In the premises of the Agency for the Protection of the Right to Free Access to Information of a Public Character, a training session was held for students from classes 3-8 of SEPUGS “Vasil Antevski-Dren” led by their teacher, Aleksandar Davidovski. The students are studying the subject “Misdemeanors in proceedings before the misdemeanor authority” within their curriculum.
In order to bring this legal procedure closer to them through the experiences of the Offenses Commission in the Agency, with practical examples, they got acquainted with how the misdemeanor procedure is conducted, namely: when and why a misdemeanor procedure can be initiated, who can initiate it and against whom misdemeanor proceedings can be initiated, what are the stages of the misdemeanor proceedings, etc.
At the same time, the students were familiarized with the provisions of the law on the SPIJK and the Agency’s competencies.