On 31.10.23, the project “Partnership against Corruption” was presented in the premises of the Agency for the Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information. The project was led by the global company MSI Washington from the United States of America and will be implemented with financial support from USAID. The meeting was attended by the representatives of MSI, Mr Nils Taxell, Ms Neda Maleska from the Change Management Center and Ms Anna M. Marinkovic of Nextsense.
The purpose of the meeting was to inform about the initial activities of the project in which the Agency will be involved.
At the meeting, the director of the Agency, Plamenka Bojcheva, presented the needs and expectations of this project and gave specific suggestions on how to implement them. In discussion with the interlocutors, opinions and experiences were exchanged. In addition, the participants stated their willingness to consider participation of the Agency in the project’s other areas alongside the specific activities in which it will be participating.
With this objective in mind, there will be meetings in the upcoming period to plan the actions for the project’s implementation.