
The Agency hosted a Training of Trainers for the Agency’s staff in July 2020 in collaboration with NDI-North Macedonia and CEFE Macedonia. Participants learned how to train information holders to put the new provisions of the Law on Free Access to Public Information into practice. Adapting to COVID-19 protocols, participants were also provided with the resources and expertise necessary to deliver online training. In addition, NDI – North Macedonia provided the Agency with a one-year subscription to Zoom Room so that it could host the aforementioned training sessions for data holders.

In this respect, the Agency collaborated with NDI and Vidi Vaka to create and share two video tutorials for information holders and information requesters. On September 28, 2020—the International Day of Free Access to Information—the Agency presented one of the video tutorials aimed at the information requesters. These initiatives were made possible thanks to the financial assistance provided by USAID North Macedonia.


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